Episode 11 Charlie goes to the pet salon.

Charlie, older photoCharlie wagged his tail with excitement as he hopped into the car. The world outside was full of new scents and sights, and today, he was off to the groomer for the very first time. The ride was smooth, and he enjoyed watching the world zip by from the safety of the back seat.

At the groomer’s, he was pampered and preened. Sudsy bubbles tickled his nose, and the warm water felt soothing on his fur. He emerged looking dapper, his coat shining like the sun.

But as they drove back home, the sky turned a moody grey. Suddenly, the heavens opened up, and rain poured down in torrents. It pattered on the roof of the car, a symphony of droplets that Charlie had never heard before. He pressed his nose against the window, eyes wide with wonder. The rain seemed to dance on the glass, each drop racing the other as they slid away.

Charlie’s first encounter with rain was nothing short of magical. It was as if the sky was playing, splashing the world with its watery joy. And though it was dark and the rain fell hard, Charlie felt safe and cozy in the car, his heart full of new experiences and the comfort of knowing he was heading home. Rain and Charlie

After a day of firsts, Charlie’s adventure wasn’t over yet. As they left the groomer’s, the car pulled into a McDonald’s drive-through. El, always thinking ahead, decided to treat her furry friend. She ordered a hamburger patty just for Charlie, and his nose twitched with anticipation.

When El handed him the box, Charlie’s eyes sparkled with surprise. Traveling food! This was a new concept for him, and oh, how marvelous it was! The aroma of the warm patty filled the car, and Charlie could hardly contain his excitement.

El, ever so thoughtful, had brought along a towel from home. She laid it out on the seat, creating a neat little dining spot for Charlie. No mess, no fuss—just pure, tail-wagging happiness.

As Charlie took his first bite, he knew that car rides meant more than just trips to the groomer. They were adventures filled with unexpected joys, like rainstorms and now, delicious treats. With each chew, his heart grew fonder of these journeys.

El watched with a smile as Charlie savored his treat. This was more than just a quick lunch; it was a moment of bonding, a memory in the making. And for Charlie, it was a taste of the good life—on the road and in the company of his best friend.

While driving, El, his owner made up a little poem for Charlie and it went like this:

In the world through a golden gaze,

Charlie met the rain’s first phase.

Droplets danced on window panes,

Nature’s orchestra, soft refrains.


A symphony of pitter-patter,

On the roof, a gentle clatter.

Each drop a note, the wind’s soft sigh,

A lullaby from the grey sky.


The world outside, a watercolor blur,

Trees and streets in a dampened stir.

But Charlie’s heart, it felt no fear,

For every storm, a rainbow’s near.


So let the rain sing, let it pour,

For every downpour, adventures galore.

And though the skies may seem so drear,

With every raindrop, joy is near.

Charlie’s day was filled with firsts, and each one was an adventure that made his world a little bigger and a lot more exciting.

To Be Continued